Karl Emil Kjeldsand

Kjekkas IF Sykkel, Norway, 19 years

Pro Cycling Manager


Karl Emil Kjeldsand is a 19-year-old cyclist from Norway, born October 8th 2005. He rides for Kjekkas IF Sykkel.

2024 2023 2022 2021

Date Pos GC Race UCI
15.09 23 Bachte-Maria-Leerne | 1.12B 2024-09-15Show more
17.03 49 Budingen Zouteleeuw | 1.12B 2024-03-17Show more
20.03 55 GP du Bourgmestre | 1.12B 2024-03-20Show more
23.03 29 Moorslede-Slypskapelle | 1.12B 2024-03-23Show more
24.03 13 Meer | 1.12B 2024-03-24Show more
31.03 Arden Challenge | 2.12 2024-03-31
31.03 22 Arden Challenge | Overall 2024-03-31
20.04 1 Kinnekulleloppet | NE 2024-04-20Show more
21.04 22 Kinnekulleloppet-Götene | NE 2024-04-21Show more
04.05 54 Sundvolden GP | 1.2 2024-05-04Show more
05.05 42 Ringerike GP | 1.2 2024-05-05Show more
23.08 8 Glåmdal ITT (NC) | N3 2024-08-23Show more
24.08 19 Glåmdal (NC) II | N1 2024-08-24Show more
25.08 28 Glåmdal (NC) | N1 2024-08-25Show more
08.09 10 Gylne Gutuer (NC) | N1 2024-09-08Show more
07.09 DNF Ottestad ITT (NC) | N3 2024-09-07Show more
11.09 20 Sint Pauwels | 1.12B 2024-09-11Show more
12.09 9 Oudenburg Westkerke | 1.12B 2024-09-12Show more
14.09 38 Merelbeke | 1.12B 2024-09-14Show more
19.09 DNF Houthulst | 1.12B 2024-09-19Show more
21.07 Province Cycling Tour | 2.IC 2024-07-21
21.07 56 Province Cycling Tour | Overall 2024-07-21
10.05 24 Oslo ITT (NC) | N3 2024-05-10Show more
12.05 30 Oslo (NC) | N1 2024-05-12Show more
19.05 Orlen Nations Grand Prix | 2.NC 2024-05-19 Show more
19.05 74 Orlen Nations Grand Prix | Overall 2024-05-19
09.06 Tour of Lithuania | 2.2 2024-06-09 Show more
09.06 30 Tour of Lithuania | Overall 2024-06-09
20.06 26 Norway ITT | CN 2024-06-20Show more
21.06 25 Norway RR-U23 | CN 2024-06-21Show more
23.06 49 Norway RR | CN 2024-06-23Show more
13.07 U6 Cycle Tour | NE 2024-07-13
13.07 9 U6 Cycle Tour | Overall 2024-07-13
16.03 101 Zele | 1.12A 2024-03-16Show more
13.07 2 U6 Cycle Tour | Youth 2024-07-13
09.06 16 Tour of Lithuania | Youth 2024-06-09
21.07 41 Province Cycling Tour | Youth 2024-07-21
13.07 12 U6 Cycle Tour | Points 2024-07-13
21.07 31 Province Cycling Tour | Mountain 2024-07-21
21.07 15 Province Cycling Tour | 4th stage 2024-07-21
19.07 108 Province Cycling Tour | 2nd stage 2024-07-19
18.07 81 Province Cycling Tour | 1st stage 2024-07-18
13.07 18 U6 Cycle Tour | 5th stage 2024-07-13
12.07 28 U6 Cycle Tour | 4th stage 2024-07-12
11.07 2 U6 Cycle Tour | 3rd stage 2024-07-11
09.07 30 U6 Cycle Tour | 1st stage 2024-07-09
08.07 21 U6 Cycle Tour | Prologue 2024-07-08
09.06 5230 Tour of Lithuania | 5th stage 2024-06-09
08.06 7730 Tour of Lithuania | 4th stage 2024-06-08
07.06 2329 Tour of Lithuania | 3rd stage 2024-06-07
06.06 4559 Tour of Lithuania | 2nd stage 2024-06-06
05.06 3436 Tour of Lithuania | 1st stage 2024-06-05
19.05 6974 Orlen Nations Grand Prix | 5th stage 2024-05-19
18.05 9388 Orlen Nations Grand Prix | 4th stage 2024-05-18
17.05 7791 Orlen Nations Grand Prix | 3rd stage 2024-05-17
16.05 91104 Orlen Nations Grand Prix | 2nd stage 2024-05-16
15.05 102102 Orlen Nations Grand Prix | 1st stage 2024-05-15
31.03 69 Arden Challenge | 5th stage 2024-03-31
30.03 97 Arden Challenge | 4th stage 2024-03-30
29.03 62 Arden Challenge | 3rd stage 2024-03-29
28.03 12 Arden Challenge | 2nd stage 2024-03-28
27.03 75 Arden Challenge | 1st stage 2024-03-27