Ignacio Prado

Canel's-Java, Mexico, 30 years

Pro Cycling Manager


Ignacio Prado is a 30-year-old cyclist from Mexico, born September 21st 1993. He rides for Canel's-Java, a UCI Continental. He has won 13 UCI races, and is currently ranked 1256th in the UCI Ranking.


2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015

Canel's-Java (Continental) UCI Ranking: 1256 (41pts)
Date Pos GC Race UCI
11.02 Tour Colombia | 2.1 2024-02-11 Show more
11.02 93 Tour Colombia | Overall 2024-02-11
18.03 2 Carrera San José María Morelos | NE 2024-03-18Show more
24.03 2 Orizabita | NE 2024-03-24Show more
14.04 Redlands Classic | 2.NRC 2024-04-14
14.04 DNF Redlands Classic | Overall 2024-04-14
28.04 Tour of the Gila | 2.2 2024-04-28 Show more
28.04 44 Tour of the Gila | Overall 2024-04-28
19.05 66 Gran Premio New York City | 1.2 2024-05-19Show more
23.05 15 Pan-America ITT | CCTT 2024-05-23Show more
26.05 11 Pan-America RR | CCRR 2024-05-2640Show more
23.06 2 Izucar de Matamoros | NE 2024-06-23Show more
28.07 6 Cásica Tiachichuca | NE 2024-07-28Show more
10.08 2 San Lorenzo Ometepec-2 | NE 2024-08-10Show more
28.04 7 Tour of the Gila | Sprint 2024-04-28
28.04 4844 Tour of the Gila | 5th stage 2024-04-28
27.04 4525 Tour of the Gila | 4th stage 2024-04-27
26.04 4428 Tour of the Gila | 3rd stage 2024-04-26
25.04 2931 Tour of the Gila | 2nd stage 2024-04-25
24.04 3939 Tour of the Gila | 1st stage 2024-04-24
14.04 DNF Redlands Classic | 5th stage 2024-04-14
13.04 8872 Redlands Classic | 4th stage 2024-04-13
12.04 5575 Redlands Classic | 3rd stage 2024-04-12
11.04 8776 Redlands Classic | 2nd stage 2024-04-11
10.04 7070 Redlands Classic | 1st stage 2024-04-10
11.02 10093 Tour Colombia | 6th stage 2024-02-11
10.02 10688 Tour Colombia | 5th stage 2024-02-10
09.02 11888 Tour Colombia | 4th stage 2024-02-09
08.02 9489 Tour Colombia | 3rd stage 2024-02-08
07.02 9797 Tour Colombia | 2nd stage 2024-02-07
06.02 134135 Tour Colombia | 1st stage 2024-02-06