Sam Oomen

Lidl-Trek, Netherlands, 29 years

Pro Cycling Manager


Sam Oomen is a 29-year-old professional cyclist from Netherlands, born August 15th 1995. He rides for Lidl-Trek, a UCI WorldTeam. He has won 7 UCI races, and is currently ranked 466th in the UCI Ranking.

2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015

Rabobank Development Team (Continental) UCI: Wins: 5
Date Pos GC Race
14.06 49 Rund um Köln | 1.1 2015-06-14Show more
11.10 1 Paris - Tours U23 | 1.2U 2015-10-11Show more
08.10 41 Paris - Bourges | 1.1 2015-10-08Show more
07.03 82 Porec Trophy | 1.2 2015-03-07Show more
04.03 64 Umag Trophy | 1.2 2015-03-04Show more
03.10 DNF Il Lombardia Under 23 | 1.2U 2015-10-03Show more
25.09 22 World Championship RR-U23 | WCU 2015-09-25Show more
15.08 Tour de l'Ain | 2.1 2015-08-15 Show more
15.08 8 Tour de l'Ain | Overall 2015-08-15
02.08 Tour Alsace | 2.2 2015-08-02 Show more
02.08 2 Tour Alsace | Overall 2015-08-02
21.06 T.d.Savoie Mont Blanc | 2.2 2015-06-21 Show more
21.06 2 T.d.Savoie Mont Blanc | Overall 2015-06-21
26.07 28 Trofeo Almar | 1.NC 2015-07-26Show more
07.07 3 Klimtijdrit Camerig Vaals | 1.12 2015-07-07Show more
07.06 10 Ronde van Limburg | 1.12 2015-06-07Show more
31.05 Tour des Fjords | 2.1 2015-05-31 Show more
31.05 19 Tour des Fjords | Overall 2015-05-31
17.05 Alpes Isère Tour | 2.2 2015-05-17 Show more
17.05 1 Alpes Isère Tour | Overall 2015-05-17
13.09 11 Eurode Omloop | 1.12 2015-09-13Show more
15.03 Istrian Spring Trophy | 2.2 2015-03-15 Show more
15.03 4 Istrian Spring Trophy | Overall 2015-03-15
04.04 30 Volta NXT Classic | 1.1 2015-04-04Show more
18.04 8 LBL Espoirs (U23) | 1.2U 2015-04-18Show more
01.05 Tour de Bretagne | 2.2 2015-05-01 Show more
01.05 18 Tour de Bretagne | Overall 2015-05-01
29.08 Tour de l'Avenir | 2.NC 2015-08-29 Show more
29.08 4 Tour de l'Avenir | Overall 2015-08-29
10.05 3 Flèche Ardennaise | 1.2 2015-05-10Show more
24.06 14 Netherlands ITT-U23 | CN 2015-06-24Show more
17.05 1 Alpes Isère Tour | Youth 2015-05-17
01.05 10 Tour de Bretagne | Youth 2015-05-01
31.05 6 Tour des Fjords | Youth 2015-05-31
21.06 1 T.d.Savoie Mont Blanc | Youth 2015-06-21
15.08 3 Tour de l'Ain | Youth 2015-08-15
02.08 1 Tour Alsace | Youth 2015-08-02
29.08 30 Tour de l'Avenir | Points 2015-08-29
17.05 1 Alpes Isère Tour | Points 2015-05-17
15.08 9 Tour de l'Ain | Points 2015-08-15
02.08 9 Tour Alsace | Points 2015-08-02
01.05 37 Tour de Bretagne | Points 2015-05-01
21.06 3 T.d.Savoie Mont Blanc | Points 2015-06-21
02.08 17 Tour Alsace | Mountain 2015-08-02
21.06 1 T.d.Savoie Mont Blanc | Mountain 2015-06-21
17.05 7 Alpes Isère Tour | Mountain 2015-05-17
29.08 16 Tour de l'Avenir | Mountain 2015-08-29
01.05 7 Tour de Bretagne | Mountain 2015-05-01
15.08 21 Tour de l'Ain | Mountain 2015-08-15
01.05 22 Tour de Bretagne | Sprint 2015-05-01
17.05 4 Alpes Isère Tour | Sprint 2015-05-17
15.03 3 Istrian Spring Trophy | Sprint 2015-03-15
29.08 54 Tour de l'Avenir | 7th stage 2015-08-29
28.08 117 Tour de l'Avenir | 6th stage 2015-08-28
27.08 107 Tour de l'Avenir | 5th stage 2015-08-27
26.08 2015 Tour de l'Avenir | 4th stage 2015-08-26
25.08 2517 Tour de l'Avenir | 3rd stage 2015-08-25
24.08 4117 Tour de l'Avenir | 2nd stage 2015-08-24
23.08 4314 Tour de l'Avenir | 1st stage 2015-08-23
22.08 1313 Tour de l'Avenir | Prologue 2015-08-22
15.08 58 Tour de l'Ain | 4th stage 2015-08-15
14.08 77 Tour de l'Ain | 3rd stage 2015-08-14
13.08 2230 Tour de l'Ain | 2nd stage 2015-08-13
12.08 3130 Tour de l'Ain | 1st stage 2015-08-12
11.08 3131 Tour de l'Ain | Prologue 2015-08-11
02.08 342 Tour Alsace | 4th stage 2015-08-02
01.08 82 Tour Alsace | 3rd stage 2015-08-01
31.07 301 Tour Alsace | 2nd stage 2015-07-31
30.07 21 Tour Alsace | 1st stage 2015-07-30
29.07 1212 Tour Alsace | Prologue 2015-07-29
21.06 82 T.d.Savoie Mont Blanc | 5th stage 2015-06-21
20.06 11 T.d.Savoie Mont Blanc | 4th stage 2015-06-20
20.06 104 T.d.Savoie Mont Blanc | 3rd stage 2015-06-20
19.06 16 T.d.Savoie Mont Blanc | 2nd stage 2015-06-19
18.06 1212 T.d.Savoie Mont Blanc | 1st stage 2015-06-18
31.05 2319 Tour des Fjords | 5th stage 2015-05-31
30.05 2119 Tour des Fjords | 4th stage 2015-05-30
29.05 1813 Tour des Fjords | 3rd stage 2015-05-29
28.05 2916 Tour des Fjords | 2nd stage 2015-05-28
27.05 2222 Tour des Fjords | 1st stage 2015-05-27
17.05 121 Alpes Isère Tour | 4th stage 2015-05-17
16.05 81 Alpes Isère Tour | 3rd stage 2015-05-16
15.05 193 Alpes Isère Tour | 2nd stage 2015-05-15
14.05 11 Alpes Isère Tour | 1st stage 2015-05-14
01.05 1518 Tour de Bretagne | 7th stage 2015-05-01
30.04 4122 Tour de Bretagne | 6th stage 2015-04-30
29.04 3030 Tour de Bretagne | 5th stage 2015-04-29
28.04 3946 Tour de Bretagne | 4th stage 2015-04-28
27.04 7345 Tour de Bretagne | 3rd stage 2015-04-27
26.04 2638 Tour de Bretagne | 2nd stage 2015-04-26
25.04 6667 Tour de Bretagne | 1st stage 2015-04-25
15.03 564 Istrian Spring Trophy | 3rd stage 2015-03-15
14.03 77 Istrian Spring Trophy | 2nd stage 2015-03-14
13.03 149 Istrian Spring Trophy | 1st stage 2015-03-13
12.03 3131 Istrian Spring Trophy | Prologue 2015-03-12