Mihajlo Stolic

LotuSteam, Serbia, 20 years

Pro Cycling Manager


Mihajlo Stolic is a 20-year-old cyclist from Serbia, born February 15th 2004. He rides for LotuSteam. He has won 2 UCI races, and is currently ranked 915th in the UCI Ranking.

2024 2023 2022 2021

Lotus Team UCI Ranking: 700 (106pts) UCI: Wins: 1
Date Pos GC Race UCI
08.07 63 GP Hungary | 1.2 2023-07-08Show more
09.07 OOT GP Slovakia | 1.2 2023-07-09Show more
16.07 GP de Gemenc | 2.2 2023-07-16 Show more
16.07 65 GP de Gemenc | Overall 2023-07-16
31.08 Tour of Bulgaria | 2.2 2023-08-31 Show more
31.08 53 Tour of Bulgaria | Overall 2023-08-31
03.09 In the Steps of Romans | 2.2 2023-09-03 Show more
03.09 6 In the Steps of Romans | Overall 2023-09-0310
19.09 Tour of Poyang Lake II | NE 2023-09-19
19.09 42 Tour of Poyang Lake II | Overall 2023-09-19
01.10 Tour of Istanbul | 2.2 2023-10-01 Show more
01.10 DNF Tour of Istanbul | Overall 2023-10-01
27.05 4 Kup Serbije-Trofej Sajamskog | NE 2023-05-27Show more
04.06 1 Kup Serbije-Velika Nagrada | NE 2023-06-04Show more
25.06 6 Serbia RR | CN 2023-06-2530Show more
25.04 DNF GP Liberazione (U23) | 1.2U 2023-04-25Show more
01.05 18 Circuito del Porto | 1.2 2023-05-01Show more
22.04 Belgrade Banjaluka | 2.2 2023-04-22 Show more
22.04 69 Belgrade Banjaluka | Overall 2023-04-22
19.03 5 Kup Srbije - Jednota | NE 2023-03-19Show more
14.05 DNF GP Marmo | 1.2U 2023-05-14Show more
26.05 Tour of Albania | 2.2 2023-05-26 Show more
26.05 DNF Tour of Albania | Overall 2023-05-26
27.05 2 Serbia ITT-U23 | CN 2023-05-2715Show more
28.05 1 Serbia RR-U23 | CN 2023-05-2850Show more
11.06 Course de la Paix (U23) | 2.NC 2023-06-11 Show more
11.06 DNF Course de la Paix (U23) | Overall 2023-06-11
12.09 Tour of Poyang Lake | 2.2 2023-09-12 Show more
12.09 17 Tour of Poyang Lake | Overall 2023-09-12
03.09 1 In the Steps of Romans | Youth 2023-09-03
19.09 12 Tour of Poyang Lake II | Youth 2023-09-19
12.09 3 Tour of Poyang Lake | Youth 2023-09-12
31.08 15 Tour of Bulgaria | Youth 2023-08-31
16.07 22 GP de Gemenc | Youth 2023-07-16
22.04 22 Belgrade Banjaluka | Youth 2023-04-22
12.09 18 Tour of Poyang Lake | Points 2023-09-12
19.09 6 Tour of Poyang Lake II | Points 2023-09-19
31.08 19 Tour of Bulgaria | Mountain 2023-08-31
31.08 5 Tour of Bulgaria | Sprint 2023-08-31
28.09 DNF Tour of Istanbul | 1st stage 2023-09-28
19.09 5 Tour of Poyang Lake II | 6th stage 2023-09-19
18.09 14 Tour of Poyang Lake II | 5th stage 2023-09-18
17.09 13 Tour of Poyang Lake II | 4th stage | TTT 2023-09-17
16.09 55 Tour of Poyang Lake II | 3rd stage 2023-09-16
15.09 5 Tour of Poyang Lake II | 2nd stage 2023-09-15
14.09 4 Tour of Poyang Lake II | 1st stage 2023-09-14
12.09 2117 Tour of Poyang Lake | 5th stage 2023-09-12
11.09 1031 Tour of Poyang Lake | 4th stage 2023-09-11
10.09 834 Tour of Poyang Lake | 3rd stage 2023-09-10
09.09 1236 Tour of Poyang Lake | 2nd stage 2023-09-09
08.09 3636 Tour of Poyang Lake | 1st stage 2023-09-08
03.09 66 In the Steps of Romans | 2nd stage 2023-09-03
02.09 88 In the Steps of Romans | 1st stage 2023-09-02
31.08 553 Tour of Bulgaria | 6th stage 2023-08-31
30.08 355 Tour of Bulgaria | 5th stage 2023-08-301
29.08 559 Tour of Bulgaria | 4th stage 2023-08-29
28.08 659 Tour of Bulgaria | 3rd stage 2023-08-28
27.08 9383 Tour of Bulgaria | 2nd stage 2023-08-27
27.08 85 Tour of Bulgaria | 1st stage 2023-08-27
26.08 44 Tour of Bulgaria | Prologue 2023-08-26
16.07 2065 GP de Gemenc | 2nd stage 2023-07-16
15.07 1278 GP de Gemenc | 1st stage 2023-07-15
14.07 8585 GP de Gemenc | Prologue 2023-07-14
10.06 DNF Course de la Paix (U23) | 2nd stage 2023-06-10
09.06 121121 Course de la Paix (U23) | 1st stage 2023-06-09
08.06 9595 Course de la Paix (U23) | Prologue 2023-06-08
24.05 DNF Tour of Albania | 3rd stage 2023-05-24
23.05 642 Tour of Albania | 2nd stage 2023-05-23
22.05 4444 Tour of Albania | 1st stage 2023-05-22
22.04 9169 Belgrade Banjaluka | 4th stage 2023-04-22
21.04 1470 Belgrade Banjaluka | 3rd stage 2023-04-21
20.04 7675 Belgrade Banjaluka | 2nd stage 2023-04-20
19.04 1818 Belgrade Banjaluka | 1st stage 2023-04-19