Federico Zurlo

Italy, 30 years


Federico Zurlo is a 30-year-old cyclist from Italy, born February 25th 1994. He has won 4 UCI races.


2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011

Date Pos GC Race
27.06 DNF Italy RR | CN 2015-06-27Show more
24.06 11 Italy ITT | CN 2015-06-24Show more
02.08 23 Ride London Classic | 1.HC 2015-08-02Show more
16.08 Arctic Race of Norway | 2.HC 2015-08-16 Show more
16.08 36 Arctic Race of Norway | Overall 2015-08-16
19.02 DNF Trofeo Laigueglia | 1.HC 2015-02-19Show more
12.04 59 Paris-Roubaix | 1.UWT 2015-04-12Show more
17.09 DNF Coppa Bernocchi | 1.1 2015-09-17Show more
30.09 DNF Tre Valli Varesine | 1.HC 2015-09-30Show more
04.10 DNF Il Lombardia | 1.UWT 2015-10-04Show more
11.10 Abu Dhabi Tour | 2.1 2015-10-11 Show more
11.10 52 Abu Dhabi Tour | Overall 2015-10-11
15.02 105 Clasica de Almeria | 1.1 2015-02-15Show more
14.02 54 Vuelta a Murcia | 1.1 2015-02-14Show more
07.02 Dubai Tour | 2.HC 2015-02-07 Show more
07.02 78 Dubai Tour | Overall 2015-02-07
21.06 Tour of Slovenia | 2.1 2015-06-21 Show more
21.06 65 Tour of Slovenia | Overall 2015-06-21
21.03 DNS Ronde van Zeeland | 1.1 2015-03-21Show more
15.04 106 Brabantse Pijl | 1.HC 2015-04-15Show more
22.04 131 La Flèche Wallonne | 1.UWT 2015-04-22Show more
03.05 Tour of Türkiye | 2.HC 2015-05-03 Show more
03.05 96 Tour of Türkiye | Overall 2015-05-03
20.03 DNS Bredene Koksijde Classic | 1.1 2015-03-20Show more
18.03 DNF Nokere Koerse | 1.1 2015-03-18Show more
15.03 34 Dwars door Drenthe | 1.1 2015-03-15Show more
14.03 DNF Ronde van Drenthe | 1.1 2015-03-14Show more
08.03 Dwars West-Vlaanderen | 2.1 2015-03-08 Show more
08.03 38 Dwars West-Vlaanderen | Overall 2015-03-08
24.05 World Ports Classic | 2.1 2015-05-24 Show more
24.05 100 World Ports Classic | Overall 2015-05-24
04.03 21 Le Samyn | 1.1 2015-03-04Show more
01.03 48 Faun Drome Classic | 1.1 2015-03-01Show more
28.02 38 Faun-Ardèche Classic | 1.1 2015-02-28Show more
07.06 Tour de Luxembourg | 2.HC 2015-06-07 Show more
07.06 66 Tour de Luxembourg | Overall 2015-06-07
07.02 13 Dubai Tour | Youth 2015-02-07
24.05 45 World Ports Classic | Youth 2015-05-24
07.06 21 Tour de Luxembourg | Youth 2015-06-07
21.06 7 Tour of Slovenia | Youth 2015-06-21
16.08 19 Arctic Race of Norway | Youth 2015-08-16
11.10 20 Abu Dhabi Tour | Youth 2015-10-11
03.05 23 Tour of Türkiye | Points 2015-05-03
21.06 37 Tour of Slovenia | Points 2015-06-21
16.08 9 Arctic Race of Norway | Points 2015-08-16
11.10 25 Abu Dhabi Tour | Points 2015-10-11
03.05 12 Tour of Türkiye | Mountain 2015-05-03
07.06 7 Tour de Luxembourg | Mountain 2015-06-07
03.05 2 Tour of Türkiye | Sprint 2015-05-03
11.10 9 Abu Dhabi Tour | Sprint 2015-10-11
11.10 7952 Abu Dhabi Tour | 4th stage 2015-10-11
10.10 5049 Abu Dhabi Tour | 3rd stage 2015-10-10
09.10 349 Abu Dhabi Tour | 2nd stage 2015-10-09
08.10 1317 Abu Dhabi Tour | 1st stage 2015-10-08
16.08 3836 Arctic Race of Norway | 4th stage 2015-08-16
15.08 6557 Arctic Race of Norway | 3rd stage 2015-08-15
14.08 269 Arctic Race of Norway | 2nd stage 2015-08-14
13.08 7676 Arctic Race of Norway | 1st stage 2015-08-13
21.06 1165 Tour of Slovenia | 4th stage 2015-06-21
20.06 10168 Tour of Slovenia | 3rd stage 2015-06-20
19.06 6163 Tour of Slovenia | 2nd stage 2015-06-19
18.06 5757 Tour of Slovenia | 1st stage 2015-06-18
07.06 6266 Tour de Luxembourg | 4th stage 2015-06-07
06.06 5972 Tour de Luxembourg | 3rd stage 2015-06-06
05.06 8181 Tour de Luxembourg | 2nd stage 2015-06-05
04.06 109108 Tour de Luxembourg | 1st stage 2015-06-04
03.06 7575 Tour de Luxembourg | Prologue 2015-06-03
24.05 66100 World Ports Classic | 2nd stage 2015-05-24
23.05 102102 World Ports Classic | 1st stage 2015-05-23
03.05 5796 Tour of Türkiye | 8th stage 2015-05-03
02.05 112103 Tour of Türkiye | 7th stage 2015-05-02
01.05 10096 Tour of Türkiye | 6th stage 2015-05-01
30.04 11696 Tour of Türkiye | 5th stage 2015-04-30
29.04 9997 Tour of Türkiye | 4th stage 2015-04-29
28.04 101100 Tour of Türkiye | 3rd stage 2015-04-28
27.04 82107 Tour of Türkiye | 2nd stage 2015-04-27
26.04 123123 Tour of Türkiye | 1st stage 2015-04-26
08.03 1538 Dwars West-Vlaanderen | 2nd stage 2015-03-08
07.03 12184 Dwars West-Vlaanderen | 1st stage 2015-03-07
06.03 100100 Dwars West-Vlaanderen | Prologue 2015-03-06
07.02 2778 Dubai Tour | 4th stage 2015-02-07
06.02 6591 Dubai Tour | 3rd stage 2015-02-06
05.02 30106 Dubai Tour | 2nd stage 2015-02-05
04.02 123124 Dubai Tour | 1st stage 2015-02-04