Tao Geoghegan Hart

Lidl-Trek, Great Britain, 29 years

Pro Cycling Manager


Tao Geoghegan Hart is a 29-year-old professional cyclist from Great Britain, born March 30th 1995. He rides for Lidl-Trek, a UCI WorldTeam. He has won 11 UCI races, and is currently ranked 511th in the UCI Ranking. Strengths: Stage race, Mountain.


2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015

Axeon Cycling Team (Continental)
Date Pos GC Race
29.03 Volta ao Alentejo | 2.2 2015-03-29 Show more
29.03 29 Volta ao Alentejo | Overall 2015-03-29
22.03 GP Liberty Seguros | 2.2 2015-03-22 Show more
22.03 17 GP Liberty Seguros | Overall 2015-03-22
05.04 6 Trofeo PIVA (U23) | 1.2U 2015-04-05Show more
17.05 Tour of California | 2.HC 2015-05-17 Show more
17.05 13 Tour of California | Overall 2015-05-17
31.05 26 Paris - Roubaix Espoirs | 1.2U 2015-05-31Show more
14.06 Ronde de l'Oise | 2.2 2015-06-14 Show more
14.06 42 Ronde de l'Oise | Overall 2015-06-14
13.09 Tour of Britain | 2.HC 2015-09-13 Show more
13.09 21 Tour of Britain | Overall 2015-09-13
03.05 Tour of the Gila | 2.2 2015-05-03 Show more
03.05 8 Tour of the Gila | Overall 2015-05-03
18.04 3 LBL Espoirs (U23) | 1.2U 2015-04-18Show more
06.04 24 Giro del Belvedere (U23) | 1.2U 2015-04-06Show more
25.06 3 Great Britain ITT-U23 | CN 2015-06-25Show more
09.08 Tour of Utah | 2.HC 2015-08-09 Show more
09.08 13 Tour of Utah | Overall 2015-08-09
21.06 9 Beaumont Trophy | 1.2 2015-06-21Show more
23.08 USA Challenge | 2.HC 2015-08-23 Show more
23.08 7 USA Challenge | Overall 2015-08-23
25.09 119 World Championship RR-U23 | WCU 2015-09-25Show more
18.10 28 Japan Cup | 1.HC 2015-10-18Show more
28.06 29 Great Britain RR | CN 2015-06-28Show more
02.10 DNF Gran Piemonte | 1.HC 2015-10-02Show more
17.10 36 Japan Cup Criterium | 1.CRT 2015-10-17Show more
23.08 1 USA Challenge | Youth 2015-08-23
14.06 16 Ronde de l'Oise | Youth 2015-06-14
22.03 7 GP Liberty Seguros | Youth 2015-03-22
29.03 6 Volta ao Alentejo | Youth 2015-03-29
17.05 2 Tour of California | Youth 2015-05-17
09.08 3 Tour of Utah | Youth 2015-08-09
03.05 4 Tour of the Gila | Youth 2015-05-03
23.08 32 USA Challenge | Points 2015-08-23
13.09 24 Tour of Britain | Points 2015-09-13
17.05 21 Tour of California | Mountain 2015-05-17
14.06 9 Ronde de l'Oise | Mountain 2015-06-14
13.09 20 Tour of Britain | Mountain 2015-09-13
03.05 12 Tour of the Gila | Mountain 2015-05-03
13.09 3621 Tour of Britain | 8th stage 2015-09-13
12.09 5122 Tour of Britain | 7th stage 2015-09-12
11.09 1523 Tour of Britain | 6th stage 2015-09-11
10.09 5031 Tour of Britain | 5th stage 2015-09-10
09.09 2715 Tour of Britain | 4th stage 2015-09-09
08.09 1515 Tour of Britain | 3rd stage 2015-09-08
07.09 2521 Tour of Britain | 2nd stage 2015-09-07
06.09 5456 Tour of Britain | 1st stage 2015-09-06
23.08 217 USA Challenge | 7th stage 2015-08-23
22.08 366 USA Challenge | 6th stage 2015-08-22
21.08 76 USA Challenge | 5th stage 2015-08-21
20.08 913 USA Challenge | 4th stage 2015-08-20
19.08 2114 USA Challenge | 3rd stage 2015-08-19
18.08 1514 USA Challenge | 2nd stage 2015-08-18
17.08 2121 USA Challenge | 1st stage 2015-08-17
09.08 1613 Tour of Utah | 7th stage 2015-08-09
08.08 1513 Tour of Utah | 6th stage 2015-08-08
07.08 1815 Tour of Utah | 5th stage 2015-08-07
06.08 2515 Tour of Utah | 4th stage 2015-08-06
05.08 3118 Tour of Utah | 3rd stage 2015-08-05
04.08 3421 Tour of Utah | 2nd stage 2015-08-04
03.08 2425 Tour of Utah | 1st stage 2015-08-03
14.06 2742 Ronde de l'Oise | 4th stage 2015-06-14
13.06 6164 Ronde de l'Oise | 3rd stage 2015-06-13
12.06 5269 Ronde de l'Oise | 2nd stage 2015-06-12
11.06 104105 Ronde de l'Oise | 1st stage 2015-06-11
17.05 3013 Tour of California | 8th stage 2015-05-17
16.05 1513 Tour of California | 7th stage 2015-05-16
15.05 1711 Tour of California | 6th stage 2015-05-15
14.05 3318 Tour of California | 5th stage 2015-05-14
13.05 5921 Tour of California | 4th stage 2015-05-13
12.05 1921 Tour of California | 3rd stage 2015-05-12
11.05 6366 Tour of California | 2nd stage 2015-05-11
10.05 7172 Tour of California | 1st stage 2015-05-10
03.05 148 Tour of the Gila | 5th stage 2015-05-03
02.05 2710 Tour of the Gila | 4th stage 2015-05-02
01.05 1610 Tour of the Gila | 3rd stage 2015-05-01
30.04 3411 Tour of the Gila | 2nd stage 2015-04-30
29.04 1313 Tour of the Gila | 1st stage 2015-04-29
29.03 7229 Volta ao Alentejo | 5th stage 2015-03-29
28.03 4532 Volta ao Alentejo | 4th stage 2015-03-28
27.03 4932 Volta ao Alentejo | 3rd stage 2015-03-27
26.03 3127 Volta ao Alentejo | 2nd stage 2015-03-26
25.03 3333 Volta ao Alentejo | 1st stage 2015-03-25
22.03 1417 GP Liberty Seguros | 2nd stage 2015-03-22
21.03 114108 GP Liberty Seguros | 1st stage 2015-03-21