Ben Perry

Groove Gravel, Canada, 30 years

Pro Cycling Manager


Ben Perry is a 30-year-old cyclist from Canada, born March 7th 1994. He rides for Groove Gravel. He has won 4 UCI races, and is currently ranked 2801th in the UCI Ranking.


2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015

WiV SunGod (Continental) UCI Ranking: 330 (220pts)
Date Pos GC Race UCI
06.06 21 Paris-Troyes | 1.2 2022-06-06Show more
04.06 123 Heistse Pijl | 1.1 2022-06-04Show more
08.05 2 Lincoln International GP | 1.NRC 2022-05-08Show more
30.04 4 Elite Cycle Racing - Oakenclough | NE 2022-04-30Show more
16.04 63 Arno Wallaard Memorial | 1.2 2022-04-16Show more
20.03 Olympia's Tour | 2.2 2022-03-20 Show more
20.03 28 Olympia's Tour | Overall 2022-03-20
13.03 32 Dorpenomloop Rucphen | 1.2 2022-03-13Show more
06.03 58 GP Jean-Pierre Monseré | 1.1 2022-03-06Show more
13.02 Tour of Antalya | 2.1 2022-02-13 Show more
13.02 7 Tour of Antalya | Overall 2022-02-1335
29.05 Tour de la Mirabelle | 2.2 2022-05-29 Show more
29.05 39 Tour de la Mirabelle | Overall 2022-05-29
23.06 DNS Canada ITT | CN 2022-06-23Show more
09.10 15 General Final National Series | NE 2022-10-09Show more
17.09 6 Hillingdon Grand Prix | NE 2022-09-17Show more
11.09 Tour of Britain | 2.Pro 2022-09-11 Show more
11.09 4 Tour of Britain | Overall 2022-09-11100
23.08 40 Egmont Cycling Race | 1.1 2022-08-23Show more
07.08 12 Tour of Leuven | 1.1 2022-08-0710Show more
24.07 Manx International GP | 2.NRC 2022-07-24
24.07 18 Manx International GP | Overall 2022-07-24
17.07 11 Lancaster GP | 1.NRC 2022-07-17Show more
26.06 3 Canada RR | CN 2022-06-2660Show more
29.05 33 Tour de la Mirabelle | Points 2022-05-29
13.02 7 Tour of Antalya | Points 2022-02-13
11.09 16 Tour of Britain | Points 2022-09-11
20.03 12 Olympia's Tour | Points 2022-03-20
13.02 5 Tour of Antalya | Mountain 2022-02-13
11.09 9 Tour of Britain | Mountain 2022-09-11
29.05 7 Tour de la Mirabelle | Mountain 2022-05-29
11.09 2 Tour of Britain | Sprint 2022-09-11
08.09 784 Tour of Britain | 5th stage 2022-09-08
07.09 324 Tour of Britain | 4th stage 2022-09-07
06.09 21 Tour of Britain | 3rd stage 2022-09-0610
05.09 1826 Tour of Britain | 2nd stage 2022-09-05
04.09 4040 Tour of Britain | 1st stage 2022-09-04
24.07 15 Manx International GP | 4th stage 2022-07-24
23.07 43 Manx International GP | 3rd stage 2022-07-23
23.07 14 Manx International GP | 2nd stage 2022-07-23
22.07 18 Manx International GP | 1st stage 2022-07-22
29.05 7239 Tour de la Mirabelle | 3rd stage 2022-05-29
28.05 2717 Tour de la Mirabelle | 2nd stage 2022-05-28
27.05 3632 Tour de la Mirabelle | 1st stage 2022-05-27
26.05 3939 Tour de la Mirabelle | Prologue 2022-05-26
20.03 4228 Olympia's Tour | 5th stage 2022-03-20
19.03 628 Olympia's Tour | 4th stage 2022-03-19
18.03 1180 Olympia's Tour | 3rd stage 2022-03-18
17.03 125107 Olympia's Tour | 2nd stage 2022-03-17
17.03 939 Olympia's Tour | 1st stage | TTT 2022-03-17
13.02 317 Tour of Antalya | 4th stage 2022-02-13
12.02 139 Tour of Antalya | 3rd stage 2022-02-12
11.02 716 Tour of Antalya | 2nd stage 2022-02-11
10.02 854 Tour of Antalya | 1st stage 2022-02-10