Gianni Marchand

Tarteletto-Isorex, Belgium, 34 years

Pro Cycling Manager


Gianni Marchand is a 34-year-old cyclist from Belgium, born June 1st 1990. He rides for Tarteletto-Isorex, a UCI Continental. He has won 4 UCI races, and is currently ranked 1042th in the UCI Ranking.

2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015

Tarteletto-Isorex (Continental) UCI Ranking: 1042 (56pts)
Date Pos GC Race UCI
11.02 Tour of Antalya | 2.1 2024-02-11 Show more
11.02 13 Tour of Antalya | Overall 2024-02-115
03.03 DNF GP Jean-Pierre Monseré | 1.1 2024-03-03Show more
10.03 59 GP Vermarc Sport - Rotselaar | KP 2024-03-10Show more
15.03 DNF Bredene Koksijde Classic | 1.Pro 2024-03-15Show more
17.03 59 Cholet Agglo Tour | 1.1 2024-03-17Show more
23.07 14 Criterium Roeselare | 1.CRT 2024-07-23Show more
29.07 22 GP Raf Jonckheere | KP 2024-07-29Show more
13.08 19 Heusden Koers | KP 2024-08-13Show more
15.08 76 Tour of Leuven | 1.1 2024-08-15Show more
21.08 51 GP Stad Torhout | 1.IC1 2024-08-21Show more
05.09 90 Izegem Koers | KP 2024-09-05Show more
08.09 7 Grote Prijs Stad Halle | 1.2 2024-09-085Show more
31.08 Tour of Hainan | 2.Pro 2024-08-31 Show more
31.08 16 Tour of Hainan | Overall 2024-08-315
22.09 91 Gooikse Pijl | 1.1 2024-09-22Show more
15.09 Tour of Istanbul | 2.1 2024-09-15 Show more
15.09 24 Tour of Istanbul | Overall 2024-09-153
25.09 119 Omloop van het Houtland | 1.1 2024-09-25Show more
27.09 DNF Zwevezele Koers | KP 2024-09-27Show more
28.09 51 Grand Prix Cerami | 1.2 2024-09-28Show more
14.07 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 2.Pro 2024-07-14 Show more
14.07 21 Tour of Qinghai Lake | Overall 2024-07-145
30.06 Chengdu Tianfu Greenway | NE 2024-06-30
30.06 16 Chengdu Tianfu Greenway | Overall 2024-06-30
30.03 DNF Volta NXT Classic | 1.1 2024-03-30Show more
07.04 Tour of Mersin | 2.2 2024-04-07 Show more
07.04 10 Tour of Mersin | Overall 2024-04-073
05.05 78 Elfstedenronde | 1.1 2024-05-05Show more
28.04 Tour of Türkiye | 2.Pro 2024-04-28 Show more
28.04 52 Tour of Türkiye | Overall 2024-04-28
09.05 114 Circuit de Wallonie | 1.1 2024-05-09Show more
19.05 Tour of Hellas | 2.1 2024-05-19 Show more
19.05 8 Tour of Hellas | Overall 2024-05-1930
28.05 16 Gullegem Koerse | KP 2024-05-28Show more
29.05 DNF Circuit Franco-Belge | 1.Pro 2024-05-29Show more
01.06 70 Heistse Pijl | 1.1 2024-06-01Show more
18.06 15 Ruddervoorde Koerse | KP 2024-06-18Show more
23.06 78 Belgium RR | CN 2024-06-23Show more
16.06 Belgium Tour | 2.Pro 2024-06-16 Show more
16.06 72 Belgium Tour | Overall 2024-06-16
02.10 DNF Betcity Elfstedenrace | 1.1 2024-10-02Show more
14.07 45 Tour of Qinghai Lake | Points 2024-07-14
15.09 9 Tour of Istanbul | Points 2024-09-15
31.08 35 Tour of Hainan | Points 2024-08-31
19.05 27 Tour of Hellas | Points 2024-05-19
28.04 56 Tour of Türkiye | Points 2024-04-28
15.09 10 Tour of Istanbul | Mountain 2024-09-15
31.08 19 Tour of Hainan | Mountain 2024-08-31
28.04 24 Tour of Türkiye | Mountain 2024-04-28
15.09 6 Tour of Istanbul | Sprint 2024-09-15
15.09 3724 Tour of Istanbul | 4th stage 2024-09-15
14.09 1923 Tour of Istanbul | 3rd stage 2024-09-14
13.09 2125 Tour of Istanbul | 2nd stage 2024-09-13
12.09 5959 Tour of Istanbul | 1st stage 2024-09-12
31.08 7216 Tour of Hainan | 5th stage 2024-08-31
30.08 4517 Tour of Hainan | 4th stage 2024-08-30
29.08 1317 Tour of Hainan | 3rd stage 2024-08-29
28.08 7084 Tour of Hainan | 2nd stage 2024-08-28
27.08 9798 Tour of Hainan | 1st stage 2024-08-27
14.07 6021 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 8th stage 2024-07-14
13.07 1021 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 7th stage 2024-07-13
12.07 3021 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 6th stage 2024-07-12
11.07 7228 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 5th stage 2024-07-11
10.07 1830 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 4th stage 2024-07-10
09.07 3236 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 3rd stage 2024-07-09
08.07 5357 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 2nd stage 2024-07-08
07.07 108108 Tour of Qinghai Lake | 1st stage 2024-07-07
30.06 16 Chengdu Tianfu Greenway | 2nd stage 2024-06-30
29.06 5 Chengdu Tianfu Greenway | 1st stage | TTT 2024-06-29
16.06 8172 Belgium Tour | 5th stage 2024-06-16
15.06 4478 Belgium Tour | 4th stage 2024-06-15
14.06 139135 Belgium Tour | 3rd stage 2024-06-14
13.06 12081 Belgium Tour | 2nd stage 2024-06-13
12.06 8585 Belgium Tour | 1st stage 2024-06-12
19.05 578 Tour of Hellas | 6th stage 2024-05-19
18.05 678 Tour of Hellas | 5th stage 2024-05-18
17.05 88 Tour of Hellas | 4th stage 2024-05-17
16.05 9052 Tour of Hellas | 3rd stage 2024-05-16
15.05 7251 Tour of Hellas | 2nd stage 2024-05-15
15.05 5151 Tour of Hellas | 1st stage 2024-05-15
27.04 12452 Tour of Türkiye | 7th stage 2024-04-27
26.04 2253 Tour of Türkiye | 6th stage 2024-04-26
25.04 11274 Tour of Türkiye | 5th stage 2024-04-25
24.04 7675 Tour of Türkiye | 4th stage 2024-04-24
23.04 11390 Tour of Türkiye | 3rd stage 2024-04-23
22.04 9393 Tour of Türkiye | 2nd stage 2024-04-22
21.04 114114 Tour of Türkiye | 1st stage 2024-04-21
07.04 9510 Tour of Mersin | 4th stage 2024-04-07
06.04 1010 Tour of Mersin | 3rd stage 2024-04-06
05.04 7818 Tour of Mersin | 2nd stage 2024-04-05
04.04 1111 Tour of Mersin | 1st stage 2024-04-04
11.02 2513 Tour of Antalya | 4th stage 2024-02-11
10.02 1611 Tour of Antalya | 3rd stage 2024-02-10
09.02 2727 Tour of Antalya | 2nd stage 2024-02-09
08.02 7778 Tour of Antalya | 1st stage 2024-02-08