Kongphob Thimachai

Roojai Insurance, Thailand, 21 years

Pro Cycling Manager

Race program


Kongphob Thimachai is a 21-year-old cyclist from Thailand, born December 1st 2002. He rides for Roojai Insurance, a UCI Continental. He has won 3 UCI races, and is currently ranked 1087th in the UCI Ranking.


2024 2023 2022 2021 2020

Roojai Online Insurance (Continental) UCI Ranking: 852 (80pts) UCI: Wins: 2
Date Pos GC Race UCI
09.10 Tour of Hainan | 2.Pro 2023-10-09 Show more
09.10 64 Tour of Hainan | Overall 2023-10-09
22.10 DNF Hong Kong Cyclothon | 1.1 2023-10-22Show more
17.10 Tour of Taiyuan | NE 2023-10-17
17.10 20 Tour of Taiyuan | Overall 2023-10-17
24.09 Tour of Binzhou | 2.2 2023-09-24 Show more
24.09 34 Tour of Binzhou | Overall 2023-09-24
13.09 Tour of Salalah | 2.2 2023-09-13 Show more
13.09 21 Tour of Salalah | Overall 2023-09-13
31.08 Tour of Iran | 2.1 2023-08-31 Show more
31.08 37 Tour of Iran | Overall 2023-08-31
11.06 DNF Asia RR-U23 | CCU 2023-06-11Show more
09.06 6 Asia ITT-U23 | CCUT 2023-06-095Show more
31.05 10 General Final Royal Cup RR | NE 2023-05-31Show more
16.04 Chengdu Tianfu Greenway | NE 2023-04-16
16.04 62 Chengdu Tianfu Greenway | Overall 2023-04-16
12.03 Tour of Phuket | NE 2023-03-12
12.03 21 Tour of Phuket | Overall 2023-03-12
29.01 1 Thailand RR-U23 | CN 2023-01-2950Show more
27.01 1 Thailand ITT-U23 | CN 2023-01-2725Show more
15.01 NZ Cycle Classic | 2.2 2023-01-15 Show more
15.01 25 NZ Cycle Classic | Overall 2023-01-15
21.05 2 Giro - Ride like a Pro Yangtze River Delta | NE 2023-05-21Show more
29.01 6 Royal Cup - Kanchanaburi RR | NE 2023-01-29Show more
05.01 5 Royal Cup - Phichit RR | NE 2023-01-05Show more
30.04 20 Royal Cup - Kamphaeng Phet RR | NE 2023-04-30Show more
28.04 9 Royal Cup - Kamphaeng Phet ITT | NE 2023-04-28Show more
28.05 10 Royal Cup - Chanthaburi RR | NE 2023-05-28Show more
31.05 6 General Final Royal Cup ITT | NE 2023-05-31Show more
03.01 8 Royal Cup - Phichit ITT | NE 2023-01-03Show more
19.02 6 Royal Cup - Songkhla RR | NE 2023-02-19Show more
17.02 12 Royal Cup - Songkhla ITT | NE 2023-02-17Show more
13.09 4 Tour of Salalah | Youth 2023-09-13
31.08 7 Tour of Iran | Youth 2023-08-31
15.01 11 NZ Cycle Classic | Youth 2023-01-15
13.09 25 Tour of Salalah | Points 2023-09-13
09.10 38 Tour of Hainan | Points 2023-10-09
13.09 13 Tour of Salalah | Sprint 2023-09-13
17.10 1120 Tour of Taiyuan | 3rd stage 2023-10-17
16.10 2426 Tour of Taiyuan | 2nd stage 2023-10-16
15.10 2425 Tour of Taiyuan | 1st stage 2023-10-15
09.10 7564 Tour of Hainan | 5th stage 2023-10-09
08.10 8168 Tour of Hainan | 4th stage 2023-10-08
07.10 6761 Tour of Hainan | 3rd stage 2023-10-07
06.10 5151 Tour of Hainan | 2nd stage 2023-10-06
05.10 5051 Tour of Hainan | 1st stage 2023-10-05
24.09 2934 Tour of Binzhou | 2nd stage 2023-09-24
23.09 5455 Tour of Binzhou | 1st stage 2023-09-23
13.09 2421 Tour of Salalah | 4th stage 2023-09-13
12.09 2721 Tour of Salalah | 3rd stage 2023-09-12
11.09 2420 Tour of Salalah | 2nd stage 2023-09-11
10.09 2712 Tour of Salalah | 1st stage 2023-09-10
31.08 4437 Tour of Iran | 5th stage 2023-08-31
30.08 4239 Tour of Iran | 4th stage 2023-08-30
29.08 4748 Tour of Iran | 3rd stage 2023-08-29
28.08 3437 Tour of Iran | 2nd stage 2023-08-28
27.08 3741 Tour of Iran | 1st stage 2023-08-27
16.04 4462 Chengdu Tianfu Greenway | 2nd stage 2023-04-16
15.04 8282 Chengdu Tianfu Greenway | 1st stage 2023-04-15
12.03 18 Tour of Phuket | 3rd stage 2023-03-12
11.03 21 Tour of Phuket | 2nd stage 2023-03-11
10.03 3 Tour of Phuket | 1st stage 2023-03-10
15.01 2125 NZ Cycle Classic | 5th stage 2023-01-15
14.01 1727 NZ Cycle Classic | 4th stage 2023-01-14
13.01 2728 NZ Cycle Classic | 3rd stage 2023-01-13
12.01 4560 NZ Cycle Classic | 2nd stage 2023-01-12
11.01 6565 NZ Cycle Classic | 1st stage 2023-01-11