Lucie Fityus

ARA | Skip Capital, Australia, 23 years

Race program


Lucie Fityus is a 23-year-old cyclist from Australia, born November 19th 2000. She rides for ARA | Skip Capital. She is currently ranked 991th in the UCI Ranking.

2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2017

Cycling Development Foundation UCI Ranking: 1244 (3pts)
Date Pos GC Race UCI
28.07 DNF Erpe-Mere Bambrugge | NE 2023-07-28Show more
16.07 DNF Grand Prix Stuttgart & Region | 1.2 2023-07-16Show more
09.07 66 Argenta Classic - 2 Districtenpijl | 1.1 2023-07-09Show more
02.07 12 Tour de Berlin Feminin | 1.2 2023-07-02Show more
01.07 26 Tour de Berlin Feminin Criterium | NE 2023-07-01Show more
18.06 16 Prosper-Polder Kieldrecht | NE 2023-06-18Show more
08.06 6 Grote Prijs Immo Yves | NE 2023-06-08Show more
11.06 41 Flanders Diamond Tour | 1.1 2023-06-11Show more
02.06 12 Grote Prijs Albert van Leuven | NE 2023-06-02Show more
29.05 43 GP Mazda Schelkens | 1.2 2023-05-29Show more
21.05 DNF Antwerp Port Epic Ladies | 1.1 2023-05-21Show more
13.05 22 Lede-Wanzele | NE 2023-05-13Show more
12.05 34 Puivelde | NE 2023-05-12Show more
29.04 20 Grafton - Mt Mitchell | NE 2023-04-29Show more
02.04 4 Tour De Brisbane | NE 2023-04-02Show more
01.04 27 Oceania RR | CCRR 2023-04-013Show more
22.10 Cycle Sunshine Coast | NE 2023-10-22
22.10 12 Cycle Sunshine Coast | Overall 2023-10-22
12.11 Tour of Tasmania | NE 2023-11-12
12.11 32 Tour of Tasmania | Overall 2023-11-12
05.02 5 Melbourne-Warrnambool | NE 2023-02-05Show more
08.01 32 Australia RR | CNRR 2023-01-08Show more
06.01 17 Australia Criterium | CN 2023-01-06Show more
22.10 3 Cycle Sunshine Coast | Points 2023-10-22
12.11 9 Tour of Tasmania | Sprint 2023-11-12
12.11 2 Tour of Tasmania | 3rd stage 2023-11-12
11.11 34 Tour of Tasmania | 2nd stage 2023-11-11
10.11 29 Tour of Tasmania | 1st stage 2023-11-10
22.10 1 Cycle Sunshine Coast | 5th stage 2023-10-22
21.10 5 Cycle Sunshine Coast | 4th stage 2023-10-21
20.10 6 Cycle Sunshine Coast | 3rd stage 2023-10-20
20.10 22 Cycle Sunshine Coast | 2nd stage 2023-10-20
19.10 1 Cycle Sunshine Coast | 1st stage 2023-10-19
03.01 Bay Cycling Classic NE 2023-01-03
03.01 DNS Bay Cycling Classic | 3rd stage 2023-01-03
02.01 DNS Bay Cycling Classic | 2nd stage 2023-01-02