Rasmus Lundtoft Lindbjerg

Team Give Elementer, Denmark, 24 years

Pro Cycling Manager


Rasmus Lundtoft Lindbjerg is a 24-year-old cyclist from Denmark, born June 11th 2000. He rides for Team Give Elementer. He is currently ranked 2814th in the UCI Ranking.

2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

Team Give Elementer UCI Ranking: 2814 (3pts)
Date Pos GC Race UCI
29.09 36 Fri Bike Shop-Sonderborg | N3 2024-09-29Show more
09.05 6 Frederiksberg EL løbet | N3 2024-05-09Show more
05.05 20 Deloitte løbet - Kolding BC | N3 2024-05-05Show more
28.04 10 Kirschblütenrennen | 1.2 2024-04-283Show more
21.04 12 Vejle Løbet | N3 2024-04-21Show more
14.04 21 Næstved BC Lobet | N3 2024-04-14Show more
13.04 9 Agro Top Løbet - Skive | N3 2024-04-13Show more
07.04 5 Meldgaardløbet | N3 2024-04-07Show more
01.04 29 3 Dage i Nord - Aalborg | N3 2024-04-01Show more
31.03 73 3 Dage i Nord - Thy | N3 2024-03-31Show more
29.03 28 Brugsen Askov Løbet | N1 2024-03-29Show more
12.05 39 Vitamin Well GP - Amager Cykle Ring | N3 2024-05-12Show more
18.05 9 Horsens Løbet | N3 2024-05-18Show more
28.09 23 Hydro Løbet - Tønder | N3 2024-09-28Show more
22.09 12 Herning TT | N5 2024-09-22Show more
15.09 28 Österreichische Bergmeisterschaften | NE 2024-09-15Show more
08.09 3 Nyborg - Bording Cup | N1 2024-09-08Show more
25.08 10 Silkeborg | N3 2024-08-25Show more
24.08 8 Give Elementer løbet | N3 2024-08-24Show more
11.08 3 ABC Linjeløb | N3 2024-08-11Show more
04.08 Randers Bike Week | N2 2024-08-04
04.08 8 Randers Bike Week | Overall 2024-08-04
23.06 39 Denmark RR | CN 2024-06-23Show more
21.06 36 Denmark ITT | CN 2024-06-21Show more
16.06 30 Nysted | N1 2024-06-16Show more
15.06 22 Nakskov TT | N1 2024-06-15Show more
02.06 Tour of Malopolska | 2.2 2024-06-02 Show more
02.06 35 Tour of Malopolska | Overall 2024-06-02
09.06 23 CK Nordsjælland løb | N3 2024-06-09Show more
20.05 26 Principia Løbet - Randers | N3 2024-05-20Show more
19.05 49 Hobro Løbet | N3 2024-05-19Show more
04.08 17 Randers Bike Week | 4th stage 2024-08-04
03.08 45 Randers Bike Week | 3rd stage 2024-08-03
02.08 7 Randers Bike Week | 2nd stage 2024-08-02
01.08 30 Randers Bike Week | 1st stage 2024-08-01
02.06 3935 Tour of Malopolska | 3rd stage 2024-06-02
01.06 8233 Tour of Malopolska | 2nd stage 2024-06-01
31.05 3637 Tour of Malopolska | 1st stage 2024-05-31
30.05 4545 Tour of Malopolska | Prologue 2024-05-30