Xander Catteeuw

Gaverzicht - BE Okay - Van Mossel, Belgium, 22 years

Pro Cycling Manager


Xander Catteeuw is a 22-year-old cyclist from Belgium, born August 5th 2002. He rides for Gaverzicht - BE Okay - Van Mossel.

2024 2023 2022 2021 2019

Date Pos GC Race UCI
14.05 11 Omloop Markvallei Galmaarden | 1.IC2 2023-05-14Show more
22.08 17 Wervik | 1.IC2 2023-08-22Show more
25.08 2 Spiere-Helkijn | 1.12B 2023-08-25Show more
30.08 52 Memorial Danny Jonckheere | 1.IC1 2023-08-30Show more
09.09 31 Nieuwkerken-Waas | 1.IC2 2023-09-09Show more
13.09 9 Sint Pauwels | 1.12B 2023-09-13Show more
19.09 DNF Textielprijs Vichte | KP 2023-09-19Show more
23.09 26 GP De Lijsterbes | 1.IC2 2023-09-23Show more
07.10 29 Rekkem | 1.12B 2023-10-07Show more
05.04 62 Bredene | 1.12B 2023-04-05Show more
20.08 55 Belgium RR-U23 | CN 2023-08-20Show more
15.08 28 Beselare-Zonnebeke | 1.12B 2023-08-15Show more
21.05 Triptyque Ardennais | 2.IC 2023-05-21
21.05 DNF Triptyque Ardennais | Overall 2023-05-21
29.05 7 Beselare-Zonnebeke | 1.12B 2023-05-29Show more
02.06 20 Gullegem | 1.12B 2023-06-02Show more
04.06 15 GP du Vélodrome de Rochefort | 1.IC2 2023-06-04Show more
09.06 17 Belsele-Waas | 1.12B 2023-06-09Show more
13.06 36 Kampioneschap Waasland | 1.IC1 2023-06-13Show more
17.06 17 Ardooie | 1.12B 2023-06-17Show more
18.06 35 Oostrozebeke | 1.12B 2023-06-18Show more
09.07 15 2 Districtenpijl - Ekeren-Deurne | 1.IC2 2023-07-09Show more
16.07 Province Cycling Tour | 2.IC 2023-07-16
16.07 DNF Province Cycling Tour | Overall 2023-07-16
30.07 Ronde Vlaams-Brabant | 2.IC 2023-07-30
30.07 DNF Ronde Vlaams-Brabant | Overall 2023-07-30
12.08 22 Roeselare-Beveren | 1.12B 2023-08-12Show more
08.04 56 Wevelgem-Wijnberg | 1.12B 2023-04-08Show more
10.04 54 Moorslede-Vierkaven | 1.12A 2023-04-10Show more
28.08 7 Kortemark | 1.12B 2023-08-28Show more
08.03 27 Templeuve | 1.12B 2023-03-08Show more
12.03 85 La Get Up Cup | 1.IC2 2023-03-12Show more
15.03 19 GP du Bourgmestre | 1.12B 2023-03-15Show more
25.03 31 Moorslede-Slypskapelle | 1.12B 2023-03-25Show more
19.04 30 De Haan | 1.12B 2023-04-19Show more
22.04 31 Zele | 1.12A 2023-04-22Show more
19.04 33 De Haan | 1.12B 2023-04-19Show more
16.04 45 Beselare-Zonnebeke | 1.12B 2023-04-16Show more
06.05 7 Assebroek | 1.12B 2023-05-06Show more
09.05 20 Aalbeke | 1.12B 2023-05-09Show more
29.07 DNS Ronde Vlaams-Brabant | 5th stage 2023-07-29
29.07 109 Ronde Vlaams-Brabant | 4th stage 2023-07-29
28.07 104 Ronde Vlaams-Brabant | 3rd stage 2023-07-28
27.07 74 Ronde Vlaams-Brabant | 2nd stage 2023-07-27
26.07 13 Ronde Vlaams-Brabant | 1st stage 2023-07-26
16.07 DNF Province Cycling Tour | 4th stage 2023-07-16
15.07 105 Province Cycling Tour | 3rd stage 2023-07-15
14.07 73 Province Cycling Tour | 2nd stage 2023-07-14
13.07 120 Province Cycling Tour | 1st stage 2023-07-13
21.05 DNF Triptyque Ardennais | 3rd stage 2023-05-21
20.05 78 Triptyque Ardennais | 2nd stage 2023-05-20
19.05 73 Triptyque Ardennais | 1st stage 2023-05-19