Nicolo Pettiti

Biesse-Carrera, Italy, 22 years

Pro Cycling Manager


Nicolo Pettiti is a 22-year-old cyclist from Italy, born August 10th 2002. He rides for Biesse-Carrera, a UCI Continental. He has won 1 UCI races, and is currently ranked 2537th in the UCI Ranking.

2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019

SIAS RIME (Continental) UCI Ranking: 1195 (46pts) UCI: Wins: 1
Date Pos GC Race UCI
02.07 56 Giro del Medio Brenta | 1.2 2023-07-02Show more
01.10 39 Il Lombardia Under 23 | 1.2U 2023-10-01Show more
03.10 51 Coppa Citta' di San Daniele | 1.2 2023-10-03Show more
19.09 25 Coppa Collecchio | 1.12 2023-09-19Show more
28.09 72 Coppa Agostoni | 1.1 2023-09-28Show more
26.09 9 Ruota d'Oro | 1.2U 2023-09-261Show more
23.09 4 Coppa Varignana | 1.12 2023-09-23Show more
04.07 21 Trofeo Citta di Brescia | 1.2 2023-07-04Show more
18.06 Giro Next Gen | 2.2U 2023-06-18 Show more
18.06 60 Giro Next Gen | Overall 2023-06-18
10.08 9 Trofeo Sportivi di Briga | 1.12 2023-08-10Show more
13.08 1 GP Poggiana | 1.2U 2023-08-1330Show more
16.08 4 GP Capodarco | 1.2U 2023-08-1615Show more
08.09 5 Astico Brenta | 1.12 2023-09-08Show more
03.09 Giro della Regione Friuli | 2.2 2023-09-03 Show more
03.09 55 Giro della Regione Friuli | Overall 2023-09-03
17.09 7 Freccia dei Vini | 1.12 2023-09-17Show more
24.06 59 Italy RR-U23 | CN 2023-06-24Show more
10.04 65 Giro del Belvedere (U23) | 1.2U 2023-04-10Show more
11.04 DNF GP Palio del Recioto (U23) | 1.2U 2023-04-11Show more
16.04 DNF Tr. S. Vendemiano (U23) | 1.2U 2023-04-16Show more
25.04 53 GP Liberazione (U23) | 1.2U 2023-04-25Show more
14.05 30 GP Marmo | 1.2U 2023-05-14Show more
20.05 9 GP Lari Citta della Ciliegia | 1.12 2023-05-20Show more
27.05 82 2 Giorni Marchigiana - GP Santa Rita | 1.2 2023-05-27Show more
04.06 65 Coppa della Pace | 1.2U 2023-06-04Show more
02.06 13 Trofeo Alcide Degasperi | 1.2 2023-06-02Show more
02.04 60 Trofeo PIVA (U23) | 1.2U 2023-04-02Show more
26.03 4 Trofeo Fubine Porta del Monferrato | 1.12 2023-03-26Show more
18.06 50 Giro Next Gen | Points 2023-06-18
03.09 10155 Giro della Regione Friuli | 4th stage 2023-09-03
02.09 3053 Giro della Regione Friuli | 3rd stage 2023-09-02
01.09 122119 Giro della Regione Friuli | 2nd stage 2023-09-01
31.08 5959 Giro della Regione Friuli | 1st stage 2023-08-31
18.06 1160 Giro Next Gen | 8th stage 2023-06-18
17.06 8462 Giro Next Gen | 7th stage 2023-06-17
16.06 2154 Giro Next Gen | 6th stage 2023-06-16
15.06 2355 Giro Next Gen | 5th stage 2023-06-15
14.06 8673 Giro Next Gen | 4th stage 2023-06-14
13.06 8457 Giro Next Gen | 3rd stage 2023-06-13
12.06 11158 Giro Next Gen | 2nd stage 2023-06-12
11.06 8989 Giro Next Gen | 1st stage 2023-06-11