Jan Stöhr

Czechia, 33 years


Jan Stöhr is a 33-year-old cyclist from Czechia, born April 5th 1991.

2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012

Cycling Academy Trencin (Continental) UCI Ranking: 2369 (3pts)
Date Pos GC Race UCI
02.10 37 Skoda Cup-Mlada Boleslav | NE 2021-10-02Show more
29.06 In the Steps of Romans | 2.2 2021-06-29 Show more
29.06 15 In the Steps of Romans | Overall 2021-06-29
05.07 Tour of Bulgaria | 2.2 2021-07-05 Show more
05.07 33 Tour of Bulgaria | Overall 2021-07-05
18.07 15 GP Poland | 1.2 2021-07-18Show more
17.07 20 GP Czechia | 1.2 2021-07-17Show more
11.07 16 GP Slovakia | 1.2 2021-07-11Show more
10.07 34 GP Hungary | 1.2 2021-07-10Show more
13.06 Oberösterreich Rundfahrt | 2.2 2021-06-13 Show more
13.06 58 Oberösterreich Rundfahrt | Overall 2021-06-13
20.06 28 Czech/Slovakia RR | CN 2021-06-20Show more
06.06 Tour of Malopolska | 2.2 2021-06-06 Show more
06.06 64 Tour of Malopolska | Overall 2021-06-06
30.05 24 GP Slovenia | 1.2 2021-05-30Show more
16.05 28 Skoda Cup-Mlada Vozica | NE 2021-05-16Show more
08.05 47 Letisko Dolny Hricov | NE 2021-05-08Show more
25.04 16 Kirschblütenrennen | NE 2021-04-25Show more
29.08 3 Cena Krupiny RR | NE 2021-08-29Show more
22.08 CCC Tour | 2.2 2021-08-22 Show more
22.08 13 CCC Tour | Overall 2021-08-22
05.09 Turul Romaniei | 2.1 2021-09-05 Show more
05.09 24 Turul Romaniei | Overall 2021-09-053
24.07 33 Memoriál Christiana Battaglii | NE 2021-07-24Show more
17.04 83 Brno-Velka Bites-Brno | NE 2021-04-17Show more
19.09 Okolo Slovenska | 2.1 2021-09-19 Show more
19.09 50 Okolo Slovenska | Overall 2021-09-19
22.08 6 CCC Tour | Mountain 2021-08-22
19.09 4350 Okolo Slovenska | 4th stage 2021-09-19
18.09 4548 Okolo Slovenska | 3rd stage 2021-09-18
17.09 2650 Okolo Slovenska | 2nd stage 2021-09-17
16.09 4869 Okolo Slovenska | 1st stage 2021-09-16
15.09 114114 Okolo Slovenska | Prologue 2021-09-15
05.09 1824 Turul Romaniei | 5th stage 2021-09-05
04.09 1624 Turul Romaniei | 4th stage 2021-09-04
03.09 2424 Turul Romaniei | 3rd stage 2021-09-03
02.09 2425 Turul Romaniei | 2nd stage 2021-09-02
01.09 7850 Turul Romaniei | 1st stage 2021-09-01
31.08 5151 Turul Romaniei | Prologue 2021-08-31
22.08 713 CCC Tour | 3rd stage 2021-08-22
21.08 1712 CCC Tour | 2nd stage 2021-08-21
20.08 812 CCC Tour | 1st stage 2021-08-20
05.07 3633 Tour of Bulgaria | 5th stage 2021-07-05
04.07 1942 Tour of Bulgaria | 4th stage 2021-07-04
03.07 1943 Tour of Bulgaria | 3rd stage 2021-07-03
02.07 4545 Tour of Bulgaria | 2nd stage 2021-07-02
01.07 2465 Tour of Bulgaria | 1st stage 2021-07-01
30.06 6666 Tour of Bulgaria | Prologue 2021-06-30
29.06 1515 In the Steps of Romans | 2nd stage 2021-06-29
28.06 2020 In the Steps of Romans | 1st stage 2021-06-28
13.06 6058 Oberösterreich Rundfahrt | 3rd stage 2021-06-13
12.06 5572 Oberösterreich Rundfahrt | 2nd stage 2021-06-12
11.06 6073 Oberösterreich Rundfahrt | 1st stage 2021-06-11
10.06 126126 Oberösterreich Rundfahrt | Prologue 2021-06-10
06.06 6664 Tour of Malopolska | 3rd stage 2021-06-06
05.06 7876 Tour of Malopolska | 2nd stage 2021-06-05
04.06 7977 Tour of Malopolska | 1st stage 2021-06-04
03.06 8888 Tour of Malopolska | Prologue 2021-06-03