Pavel Stöhr

Czechia, 33 years


Pavel Stöhr is a 33-year-old cyclist from Czechia, born April 5th 1991.

2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012

Cycling Academy Trencin (Continental)
Date Pos GC Race UCI
11.07 46 GP Slovakia | 1.2 2021-07-11Show more
10.07 91 GP Hungary | 1.2 2021-07-10Show more
20.06 68 Czech/Slovakia RR | CN 2021-06-20Show more
06.06 Tour of Malopolska | 2.2 2021-06-06 Show more
06.06 86 Tour of Malopolska | Overall 2021-06-06
13.06 Oberösterreich Rundfahrt | 2.2 2021-06-13 Show more
13.06 DNF Oberösterreich Rundfahrt | Overall 2021-06-13
30.05 94 GP Slovenia | 1.2 2021-05-30Show more
16.05 OOT Skoda Cup-Mlada Vozica | NE 2021-05-16Show more
08.05 16 Letisko Dolny Hricov | NE 2021-05-08Show more
25.04 DNF Kirschblütenrennen | NE 2021-04-25Show more
17.07 OOT GP Czechia | 1.2 2021-07-17Show more
29.06 In the Steps of Romans | 2.2 2021-06-29 Show more
29.06 33 In the Steps of Romans | Overall 2021-06-29
19.09 Okolo Slovenska | 2.1 2021-09-19 Show more
19.09 97 Okolo Slovenska | Overall 2021-09-19
05.09 Turul Romaniei | 2.1 2021-09-05 Show more
05.09 43 Turul Romaniei | Overall 2021-09-05
22.08 CCC Tour | 2.2 2021-08-22 Show more
22.08 34 CCC Tour | Overall 2021-08-22
29.08 19 Cena Krupiny RR | NE 2021-08-29Show more
05.07 Tour of Bulgaria | 2.2 2021-07-05 Show more
05.07 68 Tour of Bulgaria | Overall 2021-07-05
24.07 50 Memoriál Christiana Battaglii | NE 2021-07-24Show more
18.07 66 GP Poland | 1.2 2021-07-18Show more
19.09 8897 Okolo Slovenska | 4th stage 2021-09-19
18.09 119117 Okolo Slovenska | 3rd stage 2021-09-18
17.09 101119 Okolo Slovenska | 2nd stage 2021-09-17
16.09 112132 Okolo Slovenska | 1st stage 2021-09-16
15.09 139139 Okolo Slovenska | Prologue 2021-09-15
05.09 6743 Turul Romaniei | 5th stage 2021-09-05
04.09 8647 Turul Romaniei | 4th stage 2021-09-04
03.09 5347 Turul Romaniei | 3rd stage 2021-09-03
02.09 4447 Turul Romaniei | 2nd stage 2021-09-02
01.09 7661 Turul Romaniei | 1st stage 2021-09-01
31.08 6565 Turul Romaniei | Prologue 2021-08-31
22.08 4134 CCC Tour | 3rd stage 2021-08-22
21.08 3030 CCC Tour | 2nd stage 2021-08-21
20.08 7070 CCC Tour | 1st stage 2021-08-20
05.07 6368 Tour of Bulgaria | 5th stage 2021-07-05
04.07 10165 Tour of Bulgaria | 4th stage 2021-07-04
03.07 9167 Tour of Bulgaria | 3rd stage 2021-07-03
02.07 7271 Tour of Bulgaria | 2nd stage 2021-07-02
01.07 113100 Tour of Bulgaria | 1st stage 2021-07-01
30.06 104104 Tour of Bulgaria | Prologue 2021-06-30
29.06 4733 In the Steps of Romans | 2nd stage 2021-06-29
28.06 3737 In the Steps of Romans | 1st stage 2021-06-28
11.06 DNF Oberösterreich Rundfahrt | 1st stage 2021-06-11
10.06 135135 Oberösterreich Rundfahrt | Prologue 2021-06-10
06.06 8386 Tour of Malopolska | 3rd stage 2021-06-06
05.06 13096 Tour of Malopolska | 2nd stage 2021-06-05
04.06 9292 Tour of Malopolska | 1st stage 2021-06-04
03.06 138138 Tour of Malopolska | Prologue 2021-06-03