Mihkel Räim

Ferei Quick-Panda Podium Mongolia, Estonia, 31 years

Pro Cycling Manager

Race program


Mihkel Räim is a 31-year-old cyclist from Estonia, born July 3rd 1993. He rides for Ferei Quick-Panda Podium Mongolia, a UCI Continental. He has won 24 UCI races, and is currently ranked 1228th in the UCI Ranking.

2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015

HRE Mazowsze Serce Polski (Continental) UCI Ranking: 220 (297pts) UCI: Wins: 4
Date Pos GC Race UCI
16.05 Tour de Hongrie | 2.1 2021-05-16 Show more
16.05 91 Tour de Hongrie | Overall 2021-05-16
29.05 Tour of Estonia | 2.1 2021-05-29 Show more
29.05 13 Tour of Estonia | Overall 2021-05-295
13.06 Oberösterreich Rundfahrt | 2.2 2021-06-13 Show more
13.06 DNF Oberösterreich Rundfahrt | Overall 2021-06-13
20.06 2 EST/LAT/LTU RR | CN 2021-06-20100Show more
17.07 DNF GP Czechia | 1.2 2021-07-17Show more
18.07 5 GP Poland | 1.2 2021-07-1815Show more
05.07 Tour of Bulgaria | 2.2 2021-07-05 Show more
05.07 76 Tour of Bulgaria | Overall 2021-07-05
14.08 PostNord Tour of Denmark | 2.Pro 2021-08-14 Show more
14.08 DNF PostNord Tour of Denmark | Overall 2021-08-14
23.05 Alpes Isère Tour | 2.2 2021-05-23 Show more
23.05 DNF Alpes Isère Tour | Overall 2021-05-23
25.04 Belgrade Banjaluka | 2.1 2021-04-25 Show more
25.04 1 Belgrade Banjaluka | Overall 2021-04-25125
03.03 77 Umag Trophy | 1.2 2021-03-03Show more
07.03 63 Porec Trophy | 1.2 2021-03-07Show more
21.03 7 GP Slovenian Istria | 1.2 2021-03-215Show more
14.03 Istrian Spring Trophy | 2.2 2021-03-14 Show more
14.03 70 Istrian Spring Trophy | Overall 2021-03-14
04.04 Tour of Mevlana | 2.2 2021-04-04 Show more
04.04 43 Tour of Mevlana | Overall 2021-04-04
22.08 Baltic Chain Tour | 2.2 2021-08-22 Show more
22.08 6 Baltic Chain Tour | Overall 2021-08-2210
12.09 DNF Europe RR | CCRR 2021-09-12Show more
05.09 Giro della Regione Friuli | 2.2 2021-09-05 Show more
05.09 120 Giro della Regione Friuli | Overall 2021-09-05
22.08 10 Baltic Chain Tour | Points 2021-08-22
29.05 7 Tour of Estonia | Points 2021-05-29
16.05 26 Tour de Hongrie | Points 2021-05-16
29.05 2 Tour of Estonia | Mountain 2021-05-29
25.04 9 Belgrade Banjaluka | Mountain 2021-04-25
22.08 3 Baltic Chain Tour | Sprint 2021-08-22
05.09 108120 Giro della Regione Friuli | 3rd stage 2021-09-05
04.09 108120 Giro della Regione Friuli | 2nd stage 2021-09-04
03.09 137137 Giro della Regione Friuli | 1st stage 2021-09-03
22.08 266 Baltic Chain Tour | 3rd stage 2021-08-22
21.08 65 Baltic Chain Tour | 2nd stage 2021-08-21
20.08 1010 Baltic Chain Tour | 1st stage 2021-08-20
13.08 DNF PostNord Tour of Denmark | 4th stage 2021-08-13
12.08 96105 PostNord Tour of Denmark | 3rd stage 2021-08-12
11.08 102109 PostNord Tour of Denmark | 2nd stage 2021-08-11
10.08 110111 PostNord Tour of Denmark | 1st stage 2021-08-10
05.07 7876 Tour of Bulgaria | 5th stage 2021-07-05
04.07 1068 Tour of Bulgaria | 4th stage 2021-07-04
03.07 170 Tour of Bulgaria | 3rd stage 2021-07-037
02.07 9285 Tour of Bulgaria | 2nd stage 2021-07-02
01.07 628 Tour of Bulgaria | 1st stage 2021-07-01
30.06 2828 Tour of Bulgaria | Prologue 2021-06-30
13.06 DNS Oberösterreich Rundfahrt | 3rd stage 2021-06-13
12.06 10292 Oberösterreich Rundfahrt | 2nd stage 2021-06-12
11.06 9595 Oberösterreich Rundfahrt | 1st stage 2021-06-11
10.06 3232 Oberösterreich Rundfahrt | Prologue 2021-06-10
29.05 1813 Tour of Estonia | 2nd stage 2021-05-29
28.05 119 Tour of Estonia | 1st stage 2021-05-28
21.05 DNF Alpes Isère Tour | 3rd stage 2021-05-21
20.05 113103 Alpes Isère Tour | 2nd stage 2021-05-20
19.05 410 Alpes Isère Tour | 1st stage 2021-05-19
16.05 11191 Tour de Hongrie | 5th stage 2021-05-16
15.05 9592 Tour de Hongrie | 4th stage 2021-05-15
14.05 536 Tour de Hongrie | 3rd stage 2021-05-14
13.05 8455 Tour de Hongrie | 2nd stage 2021-05-13
12.05 2731 Tour de Hongrie | 1st stage 2021-05-12
25.04 11 Belgrade Banjaluka | 4th stage 2021-04-2514
24.04 33 Belgrade Banjaluka | 3rd stage 2021-04-243
23.04 23 Belgrade Banjaluka | 2nd stage 2021-04-235
22.04 4040 Belgrade Banjaluka | 1st stage 2021-04-22
04.04 543 Tour of Mevlana | 4th stage 2021-04-04
03.04 4843 Tour of Mevlana | 3rd stage 2021-04-03
02.04 38 Tour of Mevlana | 2nd stage 2021-04-021
01.04 2827 Tour of Mevlana | 1st stage 2021-04-01
14.03 170 Istrian Spring Trophy | 3rd stage 2021-03-147
13.03 10190 Istrian Spring Trophy | 2nd stage 2021-03-13
12.03 1135 Istrian Spring Trophy | 1st stage 2021-03-12
11.03 4242 Istrian Spring Trophy | Prologue 2021-03-11