Ruben Fernandez

Cofidis, Spain, 33 years

Pro Cycling Manager

Race program


Ruben Fernandez is a 33-year-old professional cyclist from Spain, born March 1st 1991. He rides for Cofidis, a UCI WorldTeam. He has won 2 UCI races, and is currently ranked 680th in the UCI Ranking.

2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015

Movistar Team (WorldTour)
Date Pos GC Race
31.07 58 Circuito de Getxo | 1.1 2015-07-31Show more
18.01 65 Down Under Classic | 1.CRT 2015-01-18Show more
25.01 Tour Down Under | 2.UWT 2015-01-25 Show more
25.01 5 Tour Down Under | Overall 2015-01-25
28.06 76 Spain RR | CN 2015-06-28Show more
31.05 Giro d'Italia | 2.UWT 2015-05-31 Show more
31.05 62 Giro d'Italia | Overall 2015-05-31
03.05 Vuelta a Asturias | 2.1 2015-05-03 Show more
03.05 24 Vuelta a Asturias | Overall 2015-05-03
05.04 48 Vuelta a La Rioja | 1.1 2015-04-05Show more
29.03 Volta Catalunya | 2.UWT 2015-03-29 Show more
29.03 54 Volta Catalunya | Overall 2015-03-29
15.03 Paris-Nice | 2.UWT 2015-03-15 Show more
15.03 DNF Paris-Nice | Overall 2015-03-15
22.02 Volta ao Algarve | 2.1 2015-02-22 Show more
22.02 9 Volta ao Algarve | Overall 2015-02-22
15.02 60 Clasica de Almeria | 1.1 2015-02-15Show more
14.02 34 Vuelta a Murcia | 1.1 2015-02-14Show more
13.09 Tour of Britain | 2.HC 2015-09-13 Show more
13.09 6 Tour of Britain | Overall 2015-09-13
08.08 Vuelta a Burgos | 2.HC 2015-08-08 Show more
08.08 9 Vuelta a Burgos | Overall 2015-08-08
01.08 DNF San Sebastian Klasikoa | 1.UWT 2015-08-01Show more
21.08 Tour du Limousin | 2.1 2015-08-21 Show more
21.08 93 Tour du Limousin | Overall 2015-08-21
21.08 31 Tour du Limousin | Youth 2015-08-21
29.03 4 Volta Catalunya | Youth 2015-03-29
25.01 3 Tour Down Under | Youth 2015-01-25
31.05 10 Giro d'Italia | Youth 2015-05-31
13.09 15 Tour of Britain | Points 2015-09-13
03.05 7 Vuelta a Asturias | Points 2015-05-03
08.08 9 Vuelta a Burgos | Points 2015-08-08
25.01 13 Tour Down Under | Points 2015-01-25
22.02 16 Volta ao Algarve | Points 2015-02-22
25.01 9 Tour Down Under | Mountain 2015-01-25
31.05 22 Giro d'Italia | Mountain 2015-05-31
08.08 22 Vuelta a Burgos | Mountain 2015-08-08
13.09 21 Tour of Britain | Mountain 2015-09-13
13.09 236 Tour of Britain | 8th stage 2015-09-13
12.09 136 Tour of Britain | 7th stage 2015-09-12
11.09 127 Tour of Britain | 6th stage 2015-09-11
10.09 98 Tour of Britain | 5th stage 2015-09-10
09.09 4814 Tour of Britain | 4th stage 2015-09-09
08.09 2011 Tour of Britain | 3rd stage 2015-09-08
07.09 1414 Tour of Britain | 2nd stage 2015-09-07
06.09 3739 Tour of Britain | 1st stage 2015-09-06
21.08 10093 Tour du Limousin | 4th stage 2015-08-21
20.08 10683 Tour du Limousin | 3rd stage 2015-08-20
19.08 617 Tour du Limousin | 2nd stage 2015-08-19
18.08 4345 Tour du Limousin | 1st stage 2015-08-18
08.08 109 Vuelta a Burgos | 5th stage 2015-08-08
07.08 78 Vuelta a Burgos | 4th stage 2015-08-07
06.08 229 Vuelta a Burgos | 3rd stage 2015-08-06
05.08 39 Vuelta a Burgos | 2nd stage | TTT 2015-08-05
04.08 77 Vuelta a Burgos | 1st stage 2015-08-04
31.05 7562 Giro d'Italia | 21st stage 2015-05-31
30.05 5462 Giro d'Italia | 20th stage 2015-05-30
29.05 4865 Giro d'Italia | 19th stage 2015-05-29
28.05 4673 Giro d'Italia | 18th stage 2015-05-28
27.05 11775 Giro d'Italia | 17th stage 2015-05-27
26.05 4873 Giro d'Italia | 16th stage 2015-05-26
24.05 7285 Giro d'Italia | 15th stage 2015-05-24
23.05 13892 Giro d'Italia | 14th stage 2015-05-23
22.05 6287 Giro d'Italia | 13th stage 2015-05-22
21.05 10490 Giro d'Italia | 12th stage 2015-05-21
20.05 7687 Giro d'Italia | 11th stage 2015-05-20
19.05 9883 Giro d'Italia | 10th stage 2015-05-19
17.05 12683 Giro d'Italia | 9th stage 2015-05-17
16.05 6078 Giro d'Italia | 8th stage 2015-05-16
15.05 12181 Giro d'Italia | 7th stage 2015-05-15
14.05 7167 Giro d'Italia | 6th stage 2015-05-14
13.05 9867 Giro d'Italia | 5th stage 2015-05-13
12.05 3162 Giro d'Italia | 4th stage 2015-05-12
11.05 119104 Giro d'Italia | 3rd stage 2015-05-11
10.05 11191 Giro d'Italia | 2nd stage 2015-05-10
09.05 531 Giro d'Italia | 1st stage | TTT 2015-05-09
03.05 424 Vuelta a Asturias | 2nd stage 2015-05-03
02.05 4242 Vuelta a Asturias | 1st stage 2015-05-02
29.03 10954 Volta Catalunya | 7th stage 2015-03-29
28.03 8950 Volta Catalunya | 6th stage 2015-03-28
27.03 7448 Volta Catalunya | 5th stage 2015-03-27
26.03 5357 Volta Catalunya | 4th stage 2015-03-26
25.03 8768 Volta Catalunya | 3rd stage 2015-03-25
24.03 4655 Volta Catalunya | 2nd stage 2015-03-24
23.03 6365 Volta Catalunya | 1st stage 2015-03-23
14.03 DNF Paris-Nice | 6th stage 2015-03-14
13.03 14516 Paris-Nice | 5th stage 2015-03-13
12.03 1716 Paris-Nice | 4th stage 2015-03-12
11.03 1421 Paris-Nice | 3rd stage 2015-03-11
10.03 5523 Paris-Nice | 2nd stage 2015-03-10
09.03 3724 Paris-Nice | 1st stage 2015-03-09
08.03 2323 Paris-Nice | Prologue 2015-03-08
22.02 349 Volta ao Algarve | 5th stage 2015-02-22
21.02 119 Volta ao Algarve | 4th stage 2015-02-21
20.02 2210 Volta ao Algarve | 3rd stage 2015-02-20
19.02 56 Volta ao Algarve | 2nd stage 2015-02-19
18.02 2728 Volta ao Algarve | 1st stage 2015-02-18
25.01 205 Tour Down Under | 6th stage 2015-01-25
24.01 35 Tour Down Under | 5th stage 2015-01-24
23.01 829 Tour Down Under | 4th stage 2015-01-23
22.01 86 Tour Down Under | 3rd stage 2015-01-22
21.01 1120 Tour Down Under | 2nd stage 2015-01-21
20.01 4343 Tour Down Under | 1st stage 2015-01-20