21.04 |
DNF | | |
| 1.UWT
2024-04-21 | | Show more |
04.05 |
32 | | |
GP de Plumelec-Morbihan
| 1.Pro
2024-05-04 | 3 | Show more |
05.05 |
64 | | |
Tro-Bro Leon
| 1.Pro
2024-05-05 | | Show more |
11.05 |
DNF | | |
Tour du Finistère
| 1.1
2024-05-11 | | Show more |
12.05 |
DNF | | |
Boucles de l'Aulne
| 1.1
2024-05-12 | | Show more |
23.06 |
DNF | | |
Spain RR
| CN
2024-06-23 | | Show more |
14.07 |
31 | | |
Giro dell'Appennino
| 1.1
2024-07-14 | | Show more |
23.07 |
31 | | |
Vuelta a Castilla y León
| 1.1
2024-07-23 | | Show more |
07.08 |
Arctic Race of Norway
| 2.Pro
2024-08-07 |
| Show more |
07.08 |
22 | | |
Arctic Race of Norway
| Overall
2024-08-07 | 5 | |
11.09 |
22 | | |
Giro della Toscana
| 1.1
2024-09-11 | 3 | Show more |
12.09 |
DNF | | |
Coppa Sabatini
| 1.Pro
2024-09-12 | | Show more |
15.09 |
26 | | |
Trofeo Matteotti
| 1.1
2024-09-15 | | Show more |
06.04 |
Itzulia Basque Country
| 2.UWT
2024-04-06 |
| Show more |
06.04 |
104 | | |
Itzulia Basque Country
| Overall
2024-04-06 | | |
29.03 |
91 | | |
Route Adélie de Vitré
| 1.1
2024-03-29 | | Show more |
20.01 |
56 | | |
Clàssica Comunitat Valenciana 1969 - GP Valencia
| 1.1
2024-01-20 | | Show more |
28.01 |
59 | | |
GP la Marseillaise
| 1.1
2024-01-28 | | Show more |
09.02 |
41 | | |
Muscat Classic
| 1.1
2024-02-09 | | Show more |
04.02 |
Étoile de Bessèges
| 2.1
2024-02-04 |
| Show more |
04.02 |
106 | | |
Étoile de Bessèges
| Overall
2024-02-04 | | |
14.02 |
Tour of Oman
| 2.Pro
2024-02-14 |
| Show more |
14.02 |
55 | | |
Tour of Oman
| Overall
2024-02-14 | | |
24.03 |
DNF | | |
La Roue Tourangelle
| 1.1
2024-03-24 | | Show more |
14.03 |
Tour de Taiwan
| 2.1
2024-03-14 |
| Show more |
14.03 |
26 | | |
Tour de Taiwan
| Overall
2024-03-14 | | |
27.03 |
36 | | |
Paris - Camembert
| 1.1
2024-03-27 | | Show more |
06.10 |
133 | | |
Paris - Tours
| 1.Pro
2024-10-06 | | Show more |
07.08 |
10 | | |
Arctic Race of Norway
| Youth
2024-08-07 | | |
04.02 |
18 | | |
Étoile de Bessèges
| Youth
2024-02-04 | | |
14.02 |
26 | | |
Tour of Oman
| Youth
2024-02-14 | | |
07.08 |
25 | | |
Arctic Race of Norway
| Points
2024-08-07 | | |
06.04 |
32 | | |
Itzulia Basque Country
| Points
2024-04-06 | | |
14.03 |
44 | | |
Tour de Taiwan
| Points
2024-03-14 | | |
07.08 |
12 | | |
Arctic Race of Norway
| Mountain
2024-08-07 | | |
07.08 |
19 | 22 | |
Arctic Race of Norway | 4th stage
2024-08-07 | | |
06.08 |
37 | 33 | |
Arctic Race of Norway | 3rd stage
2024-08-06 | | |
05.08 |
48 | 6 | |
Arctic Race of Norway | 2nd stage
2024-08-05 | | |
04.08 |
67 | 5 | |
Arctic Race of Norway | 1st stage
2024-08-04 | | |
06.04 |
107 | 104 | |
Itzulia Basque Country | 6th stage
2024-04-06 | | |
05.04 |
138 | 126 | |
Itzulia Basque Country | 5th stage
2024-04-05 | | |
04.04 |
4 | 98 | |
Itzulia Basque Country | 4th stage
2024-04-04 | 20 | |
03.04 |
41 | 107 | |
Itzulia Basque Country | 3rd stage
2024-04-03 | | |
02.04 |
98 | 118 | |
Itzulia Basque Country | 2nd stage
2024-04-02 | | |
01.04 |
158 | 157 | |
Itzulia Basque Country | 1st stage
2024-04-01 | | |
14.03 |
74 | 26 | |
Tour de Taiwan | 5th stage
2024-03-14 | | |
13.03 |
21 | 23 | |
Tour de Taiwan | 4th stage
2024-03-13 | | |
12.03 |
35 | 13 | |
Tour de Taiwan | 3rd stage
2024-03-12 | | |
11.03 |
7 | 10 | |
Tour de Taiwan | 2nd stage
2024-03-11 | | |
10.03 |
35 | 39 | |
Tour de Taiwan | 1st stage
2024-03-10 | | |
14.02 |
56 | 55 | |
Tour of Oman | 5th stage
2024-02-14 | | |
13.02 |
76 | 54 | |
Tour of Oman | 4th stage
2024-02-13 | | |
12.02 |
25 | 46 | |
Tour of Oman | 3rd stage
2024-02-12 | | |
11.02 |
49 | 49 | |
Tour of Oman | 2nd stage
2024-02-11 | | |
10.02 |
34 | 35 | |
Tour of Oman | 1st stage
2024-02-10 | | |
04.02 |
77 | 106 | |
Étoile de Bessèges | 5th stage
2024-02-04 | | |
03.02 |
75 | 109 | |
Étoile de Bessèges | 4th stage
2024-02-03 | | |
02.02 |
126 | 122 | |
Étoile de Bessèges | 3rd stage
2024-02-02 | | |
01.02 |
111 | 111 | |
Étoile de Bessèges | 2nd stage
2024-02-01 | | |