Stijn Appel

BEAT Cycling Club, Netherlands, 27 years

Pro Cycling Manager


Stijn Appel is a 27-year-old cyclist from Netherlands, born November 14th 1996. He rides for BEAT Cycling Club, a UCI Continental. He has won 1 UCI races.


2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

À Bloc CT (Continental)
Date Pos GC Race UCI
06.06 37 Elfstedenronde | 1.1 2021-06-06Show more
16.06 15 Netherlands ITT | CN 2021-06-16Show more
20.06 DNF Netherlands RR | CN 2021-06-20Show more
06.07 Sibiu Cycling Tour | 2.1 2021-07-06 Show more
06.07 90 Sibiu Cycling Tour | Overall 2021-07-06
08.08 Czech Tour | 2.1 2021-08-08 Show more
08.08 66 Czech Tour | Overall 2021-08-08
29.08 29 Ronde van de Achterhoek | 1.2 2021-08-29Show more
22.08 Tour of Norway | 2.Pro 2021-08-22 Show more
22.08 78 Tour of Norway | Overall 2021-08-22
01.09 17 Muur Classic Geraardsbergen | KP 2021-09-01Show more
05.09 14 Omloop van Valkenswaard | 1.12 2021-09-05Show more
12.09 DNF Antwerp Port Epic | 1.1 2021-09-12Show more
18.09 100 SUPER 8 Classic | 1.Pro 2021-09-18Show more
18.04 Tour of Türkiye | 2.Pro 2021-04-18 Show more
18.04 52 Tour of Türkiye | Overall 2021-04-18
21.09 64 Textielprijs Vichte | KP 2021-09-21Show more
26.09 56 Dorpenomloop Rucphen | 1.2 2021-09-26Show more
16.10 78 Ster van Zwolle | 1.2 2021-10-16Show more
24.10 65 Ronde van Drenthe | 1.1 2021-10-24Show more
22.08 26 Tour of Norway | Points 2021-08-22
08.08 39 Czech Tour | Points 2021-08-08
22.08 25 Tour of Norway | Mountain 2021-08-22
08.08 18 Czech Tour | Mountain 2021-08-08
06.07 22 Sibiu Cycling Tour | Mountain 2021-07-06
06.07 20 Sibiu Cycling Tour | Sprint 2021-07-06
22.08 7878 Tour of Norway | 4th stage 2021-08-22
21.08 6574 Tour of Norway | 3rd stage 2021-08-21
20.08 5868 Tour of Norway | 2nd stage 2021-08-20
19.08 7474 Tour of Norway | 1st stage 2021-08-19
08.08 4166 Czech Tour | 4th stage 2021-08-08
07.08 7575 Czech Tour | 3rd stage 2021-08-07
06.08 7275 Czech Tour | 2nd stage 2021-08-06
05.08 7274 Czech Tour | 1st stage 2021-08-05
06.07 3690 Sibiu Cycling Tour | 3rd stage 2021-07-06
05.07 9997 Sibiu Cycling Tour | 2nd stage 2021-07-05
04.07 9190 Sibiu Cycling Tour | 1st stage 2021-07-04
03.07 2020 Sibiu Cycling Tour | Prologue 2021-07-03
18.04 4952 Tour of Türkiye | 8th stage 2021-04-18
17.04 6160 Tour of Türkiye | 7th stage 2021-04-17
16.04 8971 Tour of Türkiye | 6th stage 2021-04-16
15.04 7273 Tour of Türkiye | 5th stage 2021-04-15
14.04 4876 Tour of Türkiye | 4th stage 2021-04-14
13.04 8882 Tour of Türkiye | 3rd stage 2021-04-13
12.04 9276 Tour of Türkiye | 2nd stage 2021-04-12
11.04 6567 Tour of Türkiye | 1st stage 2021-04-11